Single Day of Service
- Corporate groups looking for team building days, volunteer opportunities, etc.
- Planned in conjunction with Director of Corporate Sponsorships or Volunteer Department
- Larger projects on site that we don’t have the capacity to do ourselves – mulching, painting, trash pick-up along dog walking routes, cleaning company vehicles, reorganizing Ellie’s spaces, weeding trails at the Wildlife Center – the list goes on!
- Available at all 3 locations, depending on staffing and project availability; typically between 2-5 hours, can have up to 20-25 people depending on project
- Time on site can include tours and animal meet and greet
Email to get started.
Donate and Tour
- For when groups can’t come on site, or when we don’t have projects available
- Gather items from our wishlist or otherwise fundraise for us
- We arrange a time for groups to come on site and drop off donations, followed by a tour and an animal meet and greet (as time allows)