What are the benefits of spaying or neutering your pet?
At Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh, we are committed to helping reduce the unwanted pet population, and spaying or neutering your animals is a critical part of controlling this problem. We offer affordable options for both cats and dogs at our North Side and East Side veterinary medical centers.
Why it Matters:
- It’s good for your pet. Spaying and neutering your pet reduces the risk of certain reproductive cancers and diseases for both males and females. For females, it also eliminates the risk of pyometra, an infection of the reproductive tract that can be life-threatening. For males, it stops the mating desire, thus reducing mounting, marking, and the tendency to roam. Spayed or neutered pets also generally live longer lives as a result of these health and safety benefits.
- It’s good for you. Thanks to a discount, your spayed or neutered pet is less expensive to license. Spaying and neutering also reduces the risk of unwanted litters. There will be no more problems with blood stains, males breaking into your yard, pets running away in search of a mate, and the job of caring for and finding homes for an unwanted litter. Your pet will be happier, and so will you.
- It’s good for the community. Homeless pets often create serious problems. They destroy property, spread disease, and cost the public money to control. Unwanted litters lead to overcrowding in our shelter, and that same overcrowding puts a strain on the resources that we can provide to animals while they wait for homes.
Our Spay/Neuter Programs
Feline Spay/Neuter Information
For just $133, your cat can be spayed or neutered, given a rabies and FVRCP (distemper) vaccine, and microchipped. This fee does not include an examination by the veterinarian. We recommend that you schedule an appointment for an exam in our clinic prior to surgery.
Surgeries are conducted during the span of one day and caregivers should expect to drop off cats on the morning of a scheduled appointment, and pick up them up in the evening. All cats must be in carriers. The night before surgery, cats should have no food after 6 p.m. and no water after midnight. If you have a kitten under the age of 6 months, he or she should have no food or water after midnight.
Spay/Neuter appointments for cats are scheduled on Sundays (North location only), as well as Tuesdays-Fridays at both our East and North medical center locations.
Cost Information
Feline Spay/Neuter: $133
All surgeries are by appointment only.
Canine Spay/Neuter Information
All dogs must be properly vaccinated prior to scheduling a surgery (spay/neuter) appointment. Dogs who are not current on vaccines can be seen once in Humane Animal Rescue Pittsburgh’s veterinary centers for a pre-surgical exam and vaccinations. Please call 412-345-7300 x. 211 to schedule an initial appointment.
If your dog is already vaccinated and has had a recent exam with your veterinarian, our clinic staff must have a copy of the medical and vaccination record prior to scheduling spay/neuter surgery. This record can be faxed, along with your contact information, to 412-362-1184 (East location) or 412-321-4664 (North location) or emailed to clinic@humaneanimalrescue.org and our staff will call you to set up a surgery appointment. Alternatively, you can stop in with the medical and vaccination records during our normal hours and schedule the appointment in person.
Cost Information
Canine Spay (female): $263
Canine Neuter (male): $243
All surgeries are by appointment only.
Trap, Neuter, & Return
Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh is acutely aware of the problem of community (feral) cats in our area. Many well-meaning people start out feeding a few stray cats only to find themselves overwhelmed by cats and kittens who may have no interest in human interaction, but who have come to count on this generous impulse for survival.
To help these cat caregivers, we offer discounted spay/neuter surgeries for community cats. For $96, our clinic will spay or neuter a feral cat, provide a rabies vaccine, a FVRCP vaccine, apply Advantage Multi and ear-tip the cat to identify him or her as already spayed or neutered.
Trap-Neuter-Return is a humane approach; through this program, outdoor cats are humanely trapped, brought to the clinic, spayed or neutered, provided a rabies vaccine, are ear-tipped (for identification purposes), and then returned to their outdoor homes.
- Identify that there is a feral cat in your neighborhood.
- Schedule an appointment by calling 412-345-7300 x. 211 (please leave a message if the team is busy!)
- Trap the cat(s) the evening before the scheduled surgery
- Safely transport the cat(s) to our clinics on the day of your scheduled appointment.
- Pick the cat up at the designated time and follow post-surgery instructions before returning the cat to the outdoors.
Cost Information:
TNR Feline: $96
All surgeries are by appointment only.

City of Pittsburgh Spay and Neuter Program
The City of Pittsburgh Spay & Neuter program for community cats will resume accepting applications for up to five cats per household as a temporary extension of the 2023 contract. This application and its requirements will remain in effect until a new contract is executed for this program within the next few months. Until then, the Spay Neuter Program for pets is still paused and we ask you to check back to this webpage or the City of Pittsburgh’s Website.
Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh has been proud to partner with the city on their spay and neuter program. HARP supports their efforts to ensure that assistance reaches those residents and animals that are in the most need. If you find yourself facing urgent challenges in spaying/neutering your pet, kindly complete our contact form, and we will make every effort to provide the assistance you need. Your well-being and that of your pet are our top priorities.
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