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Mark your calendar for “Howl-iday Paws”! This holiday pop-up is set for Monday, Nov. 15 from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Strip District Terminal (2101 Smallman St, Pittsburgh, PA 15222).


From Halloween costumes to stocking stuffers, “Howl-iday Paws” will feature a variety of new and lightly-used pet apparel, carriers, toys, and more for your favorite furry friend. All proceeds from the event will benefit Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh.


The event is led by HARP’s Junior Advisory Council (JAC), a diverse group of young emerging leaders committed to advancing HARP’s mission to enhance the lives of companion animals and native wildlife. Their mission is to raise awareness of HARP through volunteer and fundraising events within our communities.

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